Samuel Adetola OGUNWA
Crawford University, College of Business and Social Sciences,
Department of Political Science and International Relations,
Faith City, P. M. B. 2001, Igbesa,
Ogun State, Nigeria
Tel. +2348 0344 0090 E-mail:


Managing globalization for sustainable development in Nigeria is now more
imperative than ever before, if the quest for development in all ramifications is to
be achieved holistically. The development anticipated from globalization has
turned to be zero-sum game since economy of globalization is intended towards
consolidating the North hegemony. Developing countries continued to receive the
pitfalls of globalization in spite of the fact that the developed and developing
worlds should be co-beneficiaries. Also, globalization is subjective and at the same
time Eurocentric as it propagates the philosophy of Western ideology housed in the
New World Order. The paper is a warning signal for the Nigerian government to
put the country in order, so that the wave of globalization which allows
multinational corporations to decide the of fate of others through nationalization
and internationalization of national properties of the peripheries to those of
metropolitan cities who neither reside in the peripheries, but sent agents across the
globe to monitoring investments in and out. The paper argues that Nigeria has
been at the receiving end of globalization and in fact globalization is a socioparasite
on the country’s quest for greatness. For globalization to be relevant in
Nigeria and to benefits the majority of the Nigerian peoples, the leaders at all
levels of governance should be autochthonous, sensitive before globalization is
accepted in all ramifications. The paper concludes that there are benefits to be
derived from the globalizing world, if both the givers of globalization and the
receivers of globalization can create an atmosphere where political, economic,
social, and cultural consensus can be made so that what becomes ‘A’, that is the
Global North becomes ‘B’, that is the Global South and what becomes the Global
South becomes the Global North at long run.

Keywords: globalization, development, Nigeria, economy, development


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