About us

The Public Administration and Social Policies Review is a biannual professional journal published by the Western University “Vasile Goldiş” Arad, Romania. Its purposes are to advance knowledge and stimulate new ideas in the field of public administration and social policies. The Public Administration and Social Policies Review publishes innovative, rigorous papers that critically examines topics in public administration and social policies theory; explores the intersection of public administration, social policies and broader economic, cultural, political and historical issues; develops challenging, thoughts-provoking normative, ethical and philosophical arguments about the field. The journal especially encourages theoretical and empirical studies, interdisciplinary perspectives and critical examination of the possibility of transcending the limits of existing public administration and social policies theory and practice.
The Public Administration and Social Policies Review is an open access journal. Readers are allowed to read, download, print, search, link, and use articles in other lawful purposes.
Copyright belong to the journal. Nevertheless, authors willing to republish their work will contact the editorial office and letters of allowance will be offered.

The Public Administration and Social Policies Review is a scholarly peer reviewed journal. All research articles published in this journal have gone through a rigorous peer review, based on an initial editor screening and blind-reviewing by at least two anonymous referees.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor at oanamatei@yahoo.com; cbente13@yahoo.com.Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal.
Submission and publication are free of charge.

The language of the journal is Romanian (when the use of diacriticals is required) or an international language (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, etc.). All submissions must have a title, be 1,5 lines spaced, have a margin of 2 cm all round, be between 10 and 25 pages long, be written in Times New Roman Style, have 12 points characters and must start with an alignment.

The title page must list the full title, short title of up to 70 characters, names and affiliation of all authors, their qualifications, their post and their current appointment if different. Give the full address, including e.mail; telephone and fax, of the author who is check the proofs.

Supply a long structured abstract written in English, of up to 200 words for all articles (except book reviews). This is to enable readers, to get a comprehensive picture of the main issues of the study and its implications without reference to the text. The authors are requested to summarize very clearly the contents and implications of their study, following properly the structure of the different subsections, on the basis of the particular features of their article, in order to enable the readers of different cultural backgrounds and countries to easily follow the main issues of the study. It should contain no citation to other published work. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviation or unspecified references.

Please provide 4 to 8 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.

All abbreviations should be written in full the firs time they appear and used consistently thereafter. Mathematical symbols may be either handwritten or typewritten. Greek letters and unusual symbols should be identified separately in the margin. Distinction should be made between capital and lower case letters; between the letter o and zero; between the letter l and the number one and between K and Kappa.

References should be provided either in Harvard or Chicago manual style. All references must be complete and accurate. Online citations should include date of access. The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text but not included in the reference list. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work.

Proofs will be sent to the author for checking. This stage is to be used only to correct errors that may have been introduced during the production process. Prompt return of the corrected proofs, preferably within two days of receipt, will minimize the risk of the paper being held over to a later issue.

This section is aimed at encouraging a lively interaction between readers, authors, editorial board and publisher. Letters should refer to articles published in the journal. They should nor exceed 500 words and there should be no more than five references. Letters will be edited for clarity and conformity with the Public Administration and Social Policies Review style, and may be shorted. Proofs will not be sent to authors.

The journal will publish both book reviews and lists of new book titles considered of relevance for those interested in public administration and social policies.


The Public Administration and Social Policies Review is an open access journal. Submission and publication are free of charge. Readers are allowed to read, download, print, search, link, and use articles in other lawful purposes.


Copyright belong to the journal. Nevertheless, authors willing to republish their work will contact the editorial office and letters of allowance will be offered.